Thursday, July 2, 2009

Day 1: Fed-X, three tanks of gas, chicken fried rice, zzzz 389 mi. Mt. Jackson, VA

So, I finally got on the road today at 3:30pm. after getting the part, and installing it without any problems. Not the time of day to start a big trip, but I wasn't going to wait around any longer! Bike is running strong, new windscreen is too short but is keeping most of the wind off of me, GPS update worked so there are new little icons for finding gas and other new features. Started out with the warm weather gear on but had to switch to the winter stuff as soon as the sun went down one side of the Shanandoah Valley. Heated grips simply ROCK!!!!
It's been a perfect day. Great, cool temps, beautiful scenery rolling by, and the Bm'er just purrs along. I'm getting around 225 miles per tank and my fill-ups are right around 5 gal so that means around 45 mpg, which is very respectable. It's interesting how I was on the road for two hours before I even though about praying. I get so caught up in the mass of distraction that is my life, that I have trouble getting in a mindset that will lead me where I want to be. Tomorrow will start out right with getting up early, getting to Mass at 8:30, breakfast, and then hitting it hard for the day. Not sure where I'll end up but worst case, Northern NY State, best case, I'll be ordering dinner "en francais."

I feel like there is a residue all over me that keeps me from seeking God's face. So busy I have been lately! I'm so looking forward to Mass in the am, not as a Deacon, but being anonymous there--just a simple participant. I'll be able to concentrate on the Eucharist and really receive the grace that I need so badly. Then I will be ready to spend the day in prayer! If anyone is in the area, I'll be at the 8:30am Mass at "Our Lady of Shanandoah." Lights out: 11:21pm

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